The past excessive use of un-managed timber resources used for the construction industry has lead us to avoid the destruction of our forest(s) and global warming through out the world by action, alternative and initiative thinking. With the invention of GCV which provides a viable substitute for wooden products being used today and after use causes the unsightly stock pile of discarded materials thereby the GCV GREEN Concept contributes to protecting our world’s natural resource and heritage. GCV is manufactured by employing the concept of GREEN Technology. It is made of recycled materials and agro waste.With our mission of contribution towards protecting our environment for generations to come, the GCV R&D team has developed a GREEN Concept of wood panel replacement for construction formworks usage and other industry applications. GCV Plasboard and GCV Aluplas Formwork are highly durable and cost effective. It provides a solution for today’s problem of disposal of timber formwork and other wood panel applications.

The advantage of GCV helps stand out from the competition by its durability and high re-usability with formwork panels. It is 100% waterproof, termite and fungus resistant also GCV offers a 1 year warranty on skin layer and special cut to size which is user friendly measurements for multi piece cut job applications.

For replacement of wood panel materials used in the industry thereby contributing to our focus of the GREEN Concept to “GREEN HERITAGE

Reduces the use of timber materials thus saving cost, time labor energy, and disposal fees on all projects it is used with.

Can be reused many times over.

Recyclable product, thus to re enforcing the GREEN Concept and environmental impact for the future.

There is only one Earth that we all have to le together on. So by leaving the smallest footprint possible shows our Respect.